Tennessee Valley Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers
The annual TVSFPE picnic will be held at the a Tennessee Smokies baseball game against the Montgomery Biscuits. This is a doubleheader! Gates open at 5PM, with the first game starting at 5:30PM.
Food and drinks will be provided to all in attendance. Please RSVP and include the additional number of family members you intend to bring with you as "guests". Dinner will begin at 6PM.
Again, gates open at 5PM, First game starts at 5:30PM, Dinner Buffet starts at 6PM and ends at 7PM.
Contact Us TVSFPE is an IRS 501(c)(3) organization. Any such donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by IRS guidelines.
TVSFPE is a local chapter of SFPE.